
Tag results for: Unsolved

DNA Crime Investigations: Solving Murder and Serious Crime

A review of this forensic true crime book examining the use of DNA testing and evidence in some of the most high profile criminal cases in the UK.

The Missing Beaumont Children: 50 Years Of Mystery

In 1966 three young Beaumont children vanished in Adelaide, Australia. 50 years on, author Michael Madigan explores this mysterious unsolved case.

Was Ann Marie Burr Ted Bundy’s First Victim?

She was an innocent blond child who got into the wind, snatched from her home in the dead of night and carried off into oblivion...

Jack The Ripper Identity Revealed As English Poet Francis Thompson

An Australian teacher claims to have unmasked the Jack the Ripper identity revealing Francis Thompson as the prime suspect in the historic killings of 1888.

Cold Serial: The Jack the Strangler Murders

In his first historical true crime book, Brian Forschner uncovers an unknown serial killer who in 1900’s Dayton, Ohio brutally murdered five young women.

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