
Tag results for: Psychopathy

Nature and Nurture: The Origins of Violence

The nature vs nurture debate has transformed into a nature and nurture interaction which may hold the key to the origins of violent behaviour.

The Brain of Serial Killers And Psychopaths

What makes one person evil and another not? Investigation into the brains and minds of serial killers and psychopaths is trying to find out.

The Columbine Effect and Mass School Shootings

Research into the Columbine Effect has highlighted a contagious nature to mass school shootings with many shooters citing the Columbine High School shooting as their inspiration.

Sociopathic Children and Psychopathic Behaviour

Recognizing psychopathic traits and sociopathic children early could be the key to preventing anti-social and criminal activity in later life.

The Mind of a Psychopath: The Psychopathic Killer

Understanding the mind of a psychopath, their personality and behavioural traits with a particular focus on the brain of the psychopathic killer.

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