
Tag results for: Psychology

A Father’s Murder: Juror Empathy In Patricide Trials Involving Child Sexual Abuse

Juror empathy towards a defendant on trial for the murder of their father, known as patricide, can signiciantly impact their final verdict. Stacey Lannert, Jacob Ind, the Menendez brothers all told the story of sexual abuse taking place behind closed doors, claiming their actions were carried out in self-defence.

Child On Child Murders: A Comparative Media Analysis

A comparative analysis of how different societies and cultures in Britain and Norway respond to two cases of child on child murders, the murder of 2-year-old James Bulger in Britain and 5-year-old Silje Redergard in Norway.

Homicidal Sleepwalking: To Kill While Asleep

Imagine waking to discover you have killed someone while sound asleep?  In these cases of alleged sleepwalking murder, that is exactly what happened.

Study Suggests Link Between Men’s Facial Features And Severity Of Punishment

New research examines how men’s physical appearance might influence whether they are perceived to be threatening and the types of punishment they receive.

The Lucifer Effect And The Stanford Prison Experiment – Right or Wrong?

The Stanford Prison Experiment of 1971 enabled the discovery of the Lucifer Effect; when ordinary good people become perpetrators of evil, but at what cost?

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