
Tag results for: Psychology

We might not be able to understand free will with science. Here’s why

It seems as obvious as anything that we have free will. But lots of philosophers and scientists will tell you free will doesn’t exist.

Trapped: The Rise in Domestic Violence During Coronavirus Lockdown

Domestic abuse comes in many forms, from physical violence to psychological, emotional and sexual abuse. For men, women, and children in abusive homes, under the COVID-19 lockdowns, they are at heightened risk.

Therapy in Crime Victimization

Therapy can be one route to provide practical advice and support on how to cope with feelings and emotions after being the victim of a crime.

Psychiatric Killings In The UK: Blood, Voices and Missed Appointments

Author David Stokes takes a close look at UK cases of psychiatric killings in an honest examination of this topic both through case studies and as a wider social and political issue.

Why Do Young People Join Gangs? Members Explain the Appeal of Risk Taking

The repetitive dullness of routine existence and limited opportunity can for some young people make risk-taking behaviour highly alluring and exciting.

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