
Tag results for: Profiling

5 Terrifying Serial Killer Signatures

In films, books, and crime dramas, serial killers tend to leave dramatic signatures behind. The killer in the 1980 film Maniac scalped his victims to use their hair on his mannequins...

The Columbine Effect and Mass School Shootings

Research into the Columbine Effect has highlighted a contagious nature to mass school shootings with many shooters citing the Columbine High School shooting as their inspiration.

Family Murder: Familicide and The Family Annihilator

Exploring familicide cases and the psychological research behind such acts, the possible trigger factors and the profile of a family annihilator.

The Criminal Profile In Crime Psychology

Understanding the development and use of the psychological criminal profile in helping to solve crimes and catch criminals.

Serial Killer Nicknames: The Celebrity Status of the Multiple Murderer

When a multiple murderer is discovered a serial killer nickname soon appears, an assigned name they will be known by forever more, propelling them into celebrity status.

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