HomeTagsJuvenile Crime

Tag results for: Juvenile Crime

Blaming Violent Video Games For Violence: It’s Time To End The Debate

Christopher J. Ferguson, Professor of Psychology at Stetson University states that there is no evidence to support claims that violent video games and real-world violence are connected.

A Father’s Murder: Juror Empathy In Patricide Trials Involving Child Sexual Abuse

Juror empathy towards a defendant on trial for the murder of their father, known as patricide, can signiciantly impact their final verdict. Stacey Lannert, Jacob Ind, the Menendez brothers all told the story of sexual abuse taking place behind closed doors, claiming their actions were carried out in self-defence.

Child On Child Murders: A Comparative Media Analysis

A comparative analysis of how different societies and cultures in Britain and Norway respond to two cases of child on child murders, the murder of 2-year-old James Bulger in Britain and 5-year-old Silje Redergard in Norway.

The Psychological Impact of Gang Violence

A violent injury makes you more vulnerable to future mental health problems, and repeated exposure to violence increases the risk of PTSD.

Michelle Carter: Will guilty verdict in teen texting suicide case lead to new laws on end-of-life issues?

Found guilty of manslaughter Michelle Carter encouraged Conrad Roy III to commit suicide via text messages. What are the implications of her guilty verdict?

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