HomeTagsHistorical Crime Books

Tag results for: Historical Crime Books

Watching Casey Anthony: Two Authors Document A Controversial Trial

At 540 pages, this exhaustive investigation into the Casey Anthony case mirrors the sprawling nature of the trial itself, delving deep into every twist and turn of an investigation that captivated America and left more questions than answers.

Connected By Fate: Unmasking The Brutal Killer of Melissa Ann Witt

They know who he is. Deciphering the secrets of Melissa Witt's 1994 murder, LaDonna Humphrey leads a dedicated team in the unyielding pursuit of justice.

The Murder of Cecil Wells and the 49th State

In the dead of night two intruders broke into the Alaskan home of Cecil Wells and shot him dead while he slept, before beating his wife and escaping with cash and jewelry. Or at least, this was what Diane Wells told the police...

The Girl I Never Knew: Melissa Ann Witt Deserves Justice

LaDonna Humphrey never met Melissa. Yet something about her story and murder captivated her into a 7-year obsessional quest to find her killer.

There Were Two Killers in 10 Rillington Place: An Interview With Peter Thorley

Peter Thorley is Beryl Evan’s older brother. He has lived with the real truth for over 60 years. John Christie was not the only killer at work in 10 Rillington Place.

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