HomeCrime SpotlightCrime, The Law & Your RightsDifferent Types Of Lawsuits and When To Pursue Help Of A Lawyer

Different Types Of Lawsuits and When To Pursue Help Of A Lawyer

Life nowadays can bring a multitude of challenges to you. A certain type of these challenges can be legal ones. There are many ways you can get unexpectedly involved in a legal proceeding. Accidents happen all the time and if someone files a lawsuit against you or you end up filing a lawsuit against someone, you will need a lawyer to help you navigate through the legal process.

Here is a list of some of the more common types of lawsuits that might crop up and why you would need a lawyer if you get involved in such litigation.

Dog Bite Lawsuits

A good percentage of people own a dog nowadays, regardless of whether they live in rural or urban areas. It is not surprising then that dog bite lawsuits crop up. Dog bite lawsuits often apply to cases where a dog bites a child aged 12 and below. This kind of lawsuit can be awkward to handle since the dog that bit the child or adult may be a companion animal of your next-door neighbor, a relative, or other people who may live in the same community. You will need a lawyer to handle the case who doesn’t get rattled by the close proximity of the dog owner to the dog bite victim in that neighborhood.

If a dog has bitten you, it’s crucial to seek medical attention immediately, even if the wound seems minor. Dog bites can carry the risk of infection, including rabies, so prompt treatment is essential for your well-being. Beyond the physical injuries, dog bite victims may also experience emotional distress, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These emotional scars can be just as debilitating as the physical ones, and it’s essential to seek appropriate counselling and support if needed.

Vaping Lawsuits

This is a fairly new kind of lawsuit category, involving vaping equipment manufacturers like JUUL. The most recent spate of cases involving vaping equipment manufacturers is attributed to the serious injuries and even deaths of young people believed to be caused by the practice of vaping. 

Lawsuits against JUUL, in particular, are important because JUUL is very popular among many young people. The vaping lawsuits are now being initiated by school districts in the US who are trying to protect their students from being addicted to vaping. (Ironically, vaping is presently being marketed as a “safer” alternative to cigarette smoking). School districts also want to seek compensation for those youth who suffered serious physical injuries or even died allegedly because of vaping.

Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

The relationship between a patient and their healthcare provider is built on trust. But when medical professionals make errors or fail to provide adequate care, the consequences can be devastating. Medical malpractice cases arise when a healthcare provider’s negligence or recklessness leads to harm, injury, or even death. These cases can involve misdiagnosis, surgical errors, medication mistakes, or even a failure to obtain informed consent.

You may have heard of or know at least one person in your community who has suffered from medical malpractice. The field of medicine is a complex one so it isn’t surprising that many doctors may misdiagnose or prescribe the wrong treatment to their patients. You will need a lawyer for a medical malpractice lawsuit if you can prove that the doctor was deliberately and criminally negligent. Not surprisingly, there are also many “nuisance lawsuits” filed against doctors by people who are simply out to claim compensation but were not harmed by the doctor in any way. This is why doctors may also need lawyers, to protect themselves from bogus claims of medical malpractice.

Car Accident Lawsuits

Since it’s commonplace nowadays for people to drive and/or own a motor vehicle, car accident lawsuits have become very common. Some car accidents may result in serious physical injuries to both passengers and drivers. The cars may also be damaged significantly in the accident. If you get involved in a car accident, it helps if you already know a reputable lawyer who specializes in car accident legal proceedings. If you or someone you know gets involved in a car accident, it is best to contact both your lawyer and the police so that the investigation into the accident can be less messy.

An auto accident attorney guides you through the complex legal process, protects your rights, and helps you secure fair compensation. They assist in gathering evidence and negotiating with insurance companies. Your lawyer can also represent you in court if necessary. Choosing an experienced attorney in car accident cases is crucial, as their expertise significantly impacts the outcome of your claim. A knowledgeable attorney reduces the stress of facing legal matters, enabling you to focus on your recovery. 

Slip and Fall Lawsuits

If you own a business such as a supermarket, you should probably get acquainted with a slip and fall lawyer at the onset of your business operations. This is because there are many ways for a “slip and fall” accident to happen in your establishment. For example, the maintenance crew might overlook a water leak in the comfort room of your supermarket which leads to a senior citizen to have a slip and fall accident. Or maybe a shopper spills some bottled water in a supermarket aisle only for another shopper to slip and fall. Shoppers will probably want to file a “slip and fall” lawsuit against your business in such cases. This is especially true if the accident causes physical injuries such as a broken arm, leg, or back.

If someone is injured on your property, it’s crucial to address the situation promptly and professionally. Contact a personal injury lawyer to understand your obligations, assess potential risks, and take the necessary steps to protect both the injured party and your business. Remember, a proactive approach can help prevent future accidents and demonstrate your commitment to the safety and well-being of everyone who enters your establishment.

Workers’ Compensation Lawsuits

Employers are very conscious of this kind of lawsuit, especially if they have many employees to monitor daily. A workers’ compensation lawsuit covers any situation in the workplace where employees may have suffered harm. The key to a workers’ compensation lawsuit is if the employee can prove that the employer was deliberately negligent in maintaining a safe workplace for all the employees. A good example of this is when an employer deliberately avoids informing employees that the roofing and wall insulation in the workplace has asbestos which is a known carcinogen. Although some workers’ compensation lawsuits are valid, there are also bogus lawsuits in this category. This means employers should be extra careful when setting up a workplace so that there is no way for bogus lawsuits to prosper.

Product Liability Lawsuits

Many consumers are probably aware of product liability lawsuits by now considering there are so many ways consumers can be harmed by products they buy. One common product liability lawsuit is the drug recall lawsuit wherein pharmaceutical products will be recalled by the manufacturer due to the harmful content of the pharmaceutical product. It is a good idea to scrutinize the labels and other product information sources of the product you are buying to make sure it is the right one for you. Remember, you might already be exposed to a harmful product without being aware of it. For this reason, you may want to research reputable lawyers whose practice revolves around product liability issues.

Valid Questions to Ask Your Lawyer

If you are looking for a competent lawyer to represent you in cases such as those listed above, it is important to ask about the background of the lawyer first. Ask about the lawyer’s specialty in law practice, the range of his practice so far (meaning, how many clients he has represented and won cases for in his career in that law practice area), and of course how he intends to bill you for legal representation. You have the right to ask such questions because you are the one paying for the lawyer’s fees, especially if you are the defendant in the case.

About the author: Harold Ross has always been fascinated with legal matters and has spent most of his life learning about it. Harold is an aspiring lawyer who currently contributes legal-related articles online.


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  1. A traffic ticket is a legal matter. So is armed robbery. Obviously, the “accused” in both of these instances have very different situations and only one will need a lawyer to hand their defense.


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